Oscki Labs   - User Manual

IOT Interface

IOT interface is a website that is an interface between user sensor and server. It is an web based API where users can send sensor data to server and store it.

What it does?

  • IOT Interface provides
    • API so that users can send data(sensor data like humidity,etc) to the server and stores into the database.
    • Web view where users can see the data collected in form of graphs.
    • Web view can have filters such as view hour wise or day wise and so on...
    • Users can also save the graph as image file or export values to excell sheet.

How to use IOT Interface

User Name & API Key
  • User will be provided an username and an API key using which users can log into the server and also access API. Server details are mentioned below
  • The admin will grant the sensor details to use it to API (eg: DHT Sensor -> 2 units:humidity, temperature)
Web view interface
  • The webview can be accessed at www.osckilabs.com/iot/.
  • In the respective fields type Username and Password(API Key) to login.
  • once logged in, the home page consist cards views of sensors you are assigned to work on with and graphical representation of data collected.
  • On the top(center) shows the date and time in IST at what time the page was updated.
  • On the top(left) is your username with a greeting.
  • On the top(right) the link that has your username on it, is menu bar - clicking on it you can get option to logout or view your profile.
  • Button that says view full on card view of sensors, clicking on that redirects to the detail view of that particular sensor
View Full
  • Once the view full is loaded, users can see their data collected in graph view(full view).
  • In the side bar(right) is the Filter bar where users can filter values based on following
    1. number of values - once the number of values is selected, we can proceed to choose year.
    2. year - we can chose to which year values to be fetched and viewed. and again after changing from default value to required year we can proceed
    3. month - we can chose to which month values are to fetched again after this is changed we can proceed to next level of filter
    4. Date - the date we want the values to be shown
    5. Hour - this indicates from which date(or on what date) the data have to be displayed
    6. timewise - this filter is to tell weather to display data hourwise, minutewise
    7. am/pm - the hour selected have to be specified weather it is AM or PM
    8. hour from - this filter to specify from what hour the values have to be displayed
    9. minute from - this filter to specify from what minute in the selected hour to be displayed
  • NOTE : (1),(2) & (3) in above are mandatory if applying filter.
  • Apply all level of filter to get detail view(minute wise)
  • not applying minute from filter (ie., no. 9) shows detail in hour wise format
  • not applying hour from filter (ie., no. 8) shows detail grouping am/pm wise as selected
  • it is recommended not to only select hour or minute and leave further filters. only this field is not recommended to use alone without next step.
  • on top of filters, is the clear filter button which will clear all set filters and goto default view(values).

  • on top of page :
    1. Sensor name is displayed at left (eg: Sensor : sensorname_username).
    2. Index where red is first sensor value, so do green and blue (eg: red-humidity).
    3. Export graph button - on clicking, will save excell sheet with current filter values in it.
    4. Save as image - on clicking, will show image of graph so that you can save as image to your folder.

API Usage
  • To use API...
    • first of all collect the username, API key(password), sensor name, and number of key values
    • note : if number of key values is 1 then use a=value
      if key values is 2 then use a=value1&b=value2 and so for three values
    • once the above details are known, the below format link have to be put in IOT board
      http://[server url]/iot/1.php?username=[name]&key=[API Key]&tab=[sensor name]&[number of key values]=[value]
    • Example :
      http://osckilabs.com/iot/1.php?username=nikk&key=55fd9&tab=dht&a=120&b=40&c=50   -   if there are 3 keyvalues
      http://osckilabs.com/iot/1.php?username=nikk&key=55fd9&tab=dht&a=120&b=40   -   if there are 2 keyvalues
      http://osckilabs.com/iot/1.php?username=nikk&key=55fd9&tab=dht&a=120   -   if there is 1 keyvalues
      order of a,b,c is same as configured key values (eg: a=humidity,b=temperature,etc).
    • the above url have to be put in IOT board or import library if available

  • Admin Access

    • To access admin accout, login with admin's username and admin's password
    • once logged in, top center is the last date & time page was updated.
    • on right are ...
      1. refresh button - to refresh page/graph values or also can be used to goto home page from other admin pages
      2. logout button - to logout of admin account.
      3. Menu button - can be used to navigate to managing users/sensor configuration.
    • on clicking manage sensor db in menu button, admin can see page where three options are displayed.(manage,update and delete).
    • Manage current users - on clicking, we can choose to manage users(adding new user) or to manage sensor(new sensor or delete one).
      1. new user - new user can be added - enter username and click on generate API and click on create user.
      2. new sensor - new sensor can be added or delete the existing one.
        1-select the user to manage sensor.
        2-current sensor details are display below that.
        3-the grey colored link delete? can help delete the sensor along with values cannot be undone.
        4-on the beside block, the form consist of tablename:sensor name, column name:key value name, enter column name as required from starting and not leaving starting ones blank and click create to create the sensor database.
    • Delete user
      • only to delete user from server
      • Note : this deletes all sensor data and values which associated with the selected user.
      • To delete user ...
        1. select user from drop down list.
        2. click on delete user button beside that.
        3. confirm at the prompt up box - and then user is deleted successfully.
    • Right pane
      • the right pane consist of list of all users username which on click shows details of the user
      • clicking on X closed the details of that user
    • Home page - admin
      1. home page consist of all users graph view of all sensors.
      2. top left on individual card is [sensor]_[username] from [username] is shown
      3. info button - on click can view detail such as username,sensor name,ip address last accessed from and its location,last active time.
      4. status indicator - if the sensor is currently active it shows green else grey color.
      5. view full - this link redirects to full view of particular sensor where filters acn be applied and also export can be done.